Live to be Useful

Live to be Useful
or, The Story of Annie Lee and her Irish Nurse


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Live to be Useful by Anonymous





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Live to be Useful
or, The Story of Annie Lee and her Irish Nurse


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Book Excerpt

to the priest? I don't believe, Annorah, that you can be mean enough for that, if you try. I thought the Irish people were too generous to act so low a part."

"An' so we are, shure. Sorra a bit will the praste get from me about you here."

"If he were a good man, a noble, honourable man," said Annie, "do you think he would ask you--"

"He's the praste!" interrupted Annorah, her eyes flashing; "the praste, is Father M'Clane. An' ye mind to spake well o' him, it's nought I've to say; an' the tongue is a heretic's that would spake ill o' him, and he laving the ould counthree to stay for our good in this haythen land. An' the books an' the readin' were for the like o' us, would he not be the first to bid us welcome to the same? Och, it's a good man and a holy is Father M'Clane, say what ye will, miss."

"I have not called him otherwise," said Annie, much amused by the Irish girl's warmth. "I only asked you, or tried to ask you, if he would be likely to require you to tattle and to be a te


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