The Eagle Cliff

The Eagle Cliff
A Tale of the Western Isles


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The Eagle Cliff by Robert Michael Ballantyne







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The Eagle Cliff
A Tale of the Western Isles


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Book Excerpt

Things have only begun, and, as regards myself, they have begun disastrously," said Barret, who thereupon related the incident of the little old lady being run down.

"My dear fellow," cried Mabberly, laughing, "excuse me, don't imagine me indifferent to the sufferings of the poor old thing; but do you really suppose that one who was tough enough, after such a collision, to sit up at all, with or without the support of the railings, and give way to indignant abuse--"

"Not abuse, Bob, indignant looks and sentiments; she was too thorough a lady to think of abuse--"

"Well, well; call it what you please; but you may depend upon it that she is not much hurt, and you will hear nothing more about the matter."

"That's it! That's the very thing that I dread," returned Barret, anxiously. "To go through life with the possibility that I may be an uncondemned and unhung murderer is terrible to think of. Then I can't get over the meanness of my running away so suddenly. If any one had said I was


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