The Rosary

The Rosary


(5 Reviews)
The Rosary by Florence L. Barclay







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The Rosary


(5 Reviews)
The story of a young artist who is reputed to love beauty above all else in the world, but who, when blinded through an accident, gains life's greatest happiness. A rare story of the great passion of two real people superbly capable of love, its sacrifices and its exceeding reward.

Book Excerpt

suggested unlimited spaciousness and comfort within; and was redeemed from positive ugliness without, by the fine ivy, magnolia trees, and wistaria, of many years' growth, climbing its plain face, and now covering it with a mantle of soft green, large white blooms, and a cascade of purple blossom.

A terrace ran the full length of the house, bounded at one end by a large conservatory, at the other by an aviary. Wide stone steps, at intervals, led down from the terrace on to the soft springy turf of the lawn. Beyond--the wide park; clumps of old trees, haunted by shy brown deer; and, through the trees, fitful gleams of the river, a narrow silver ribbon, winding gracefully in and out between long grass, buttercups, and cow-daisies.

The sun-dial pointed to four o'clock.

The birds were having their hour of silence. Not a trill sounded from among the softly moving leaves, not a chirp, not a twitter. The stillness seemed almost oppressive. The one brilliant spot of colour in the landscape was a


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I have had this book on my shelf for over 50 years.
How happy I am to see it made more widely available.
The Rosary is one of the most beautiful books ever written, showing great strength and sometimes human weakness in it's characters.
I can't recommend it enough.
One of my favorite books. It is as good as Jane Austen. It made me laugh and cry. As soon as I was done with it, I went and looked up the rest of Florence L. Barclay's books and all of them I could find.
This is a great book that is similar to Jane Eyre in some ways. I recommend it to anybody who is looking for an uplifting reading experience that restores your faith in true love.
I think it's another Jane Eyre. It's a lovely story, very touching and very romantic. Love it as much as Jane Eyre. I recommend it highly to all those who like true romance.
I loved this romance, also The waitrss of Shenstone (I think that is the original name of the book). It's so sad, so wonderful, so lovely. I cried when I read it.
It mean that it was written in 1910. Can you imagine this?