The Princess Aline

The Princess Aline


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The Princess Aline by Richard Harding Davis







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The Princess Aline


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The Princess Aline is a sweet love story told with charming and delicate art, in Mr. Davis' own bright way. The heroine, Miss Morris, is a lovable young woman with heaps of common sense, sympathy, wit and humor, so wonderfully and vividly set forth that the reader finds it hard to forgive Carlton for not sooner discovering that he loved her instead of pursuing the Princess Aline in a useless love-chase. Mr. Davis has a teasing way of withholding his secret until the very last moment, but it is easy to forgive him, the result is usually so pleasing. Mr. Davis shows a comprehensive acquaintance with human nature; he has a simple yet sparkling humor in his treatment of subjects, together with a literary grace which places him in a distinct niche, where few if any rivals will be able to reach him.

Book Excerpt

very much afraid that she is the one.' It would be too late then; while now, in my free state, I can continue my, search without any sense of responsibility."

"Why"--he would exclaim--"I have walked miles to get a glimpse of a beautiful woman in a suburban window, and time and time again when I have seen a face in a passing brougham I have pursued it in a hansom, and learned where the owner of the face lived, and spent weeks in finding some one to present me, only to discover that she was self-conscious or uninteresting or engaged. Still I had assured myself that she was not the one. I am very conscientious, and I consider that it is my duty to go so far with every woman I meet as to be able to learn whether she is or is not the one, and the sad result is that I am like a man who follows the hounds but is never in at the death."

"Well," some married woman would say, grimly, "I hope you will get your deserts some day; and you WILL, too. Some day some girl will make you suffer for this."



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