The Adopted

The Adopted


(2 Reviews)
The Adopted by Annie Hamilton Donnell





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The Adopted


(2 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

stone wall stretched away to the west. She had found a nice lonesome little place to huddle in, behind the wall, out of sight. It was just the place to be miserable in.

"I know something!" from one of a little group of gossipers on the outside of the wall. "She needn't stick her chin out an' not come an' play with us. She's nothing but an adopted!"

"Oh!--a what?" in awestruck chorus from the listeners. "Say it again, Rhody Sharp."

"An adopted--that's all she is. I guess nobody but an adopted need to go trampin' past when we invite her to play with us! I guess we're good as she is an' better, too, so there!"

Margaret in her hidden nook heard with a cold terror creeping over her and settling around


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