Lady Maude's Mania

Lady Maude's Mania
A Tragedy in High Life


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Lady Maude's Mania by George Manville Fenn







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Lady Maude's Mania
A Tragedy in High Life


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There is not much to be said for the high life of Mr. Manville Fenn's "tragedy." The word "tragedy," indeed, is to be taken in a non-natural sense, for "Lady Maude's Mania" is sheer comedy throughout, and in clever hands might be shaped into a passable farce for the stage. Lady Maude's "mania" is a devotion to organ-grinders, and as one of them turns out to be a love's messenger, the sensible reader will not expect her to end her days in a lunatic asylum.

Book Excerpt

Then the bridal dress was once more forgotten, and brother and sister were tightly locked in each other's arms.

Her ladyship uttered a wail of dismay, but it was not heeded, as Tom said in a low tone--

"Keep up your pecker, Di, old girl. It's all nonsense about love and that sort of thing. It's duty toward your mother, catechism fashion, and you've done it. You're sold into bondage, eh?"

"Yes, Tom dear," she said, cheerfully. "I shall not mind."

"With all Goole's money to play with I should think not."

"I did not mean that, dear," said the girl, gravely. "I seem to be going right away from you, but there is Maude; don't let her be married like I am, Tom."

"What can I do?"

"I don't know; only try to help her and papa. Be more at home for both their sakes--and Tryphie's."

Tom started, and looked sharply in his sister's face.

"I will, Di, I will," he said, earnestly. "I know I've been a reckless sort of beast, but I will try now."

She smiled h


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