The Pilgrim's Progess

The Pilgrim's Progess
in Words of One Syllable


(1 Review)
The Pilgrim's Progess by Mary Godolphin





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The Pilgrim's Progess
in Words of One Syllable


(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

His load, too, was of more weight to him than when he was on the right road. Then came flames of fire out of the hill, that made him quake for fear lest he should be burnt. And now it was a great grief to him that he had lent his ear to Worldly Wiseman; and it was well that he just then saw Evangelist come to meet him; though at the sight of him he felt a deep blush on his face for shame. So Evangelist drew near, and when he came up to him, he said, with a sad look; What dost thou here, Christian?

To these words Christian knew not what to say, so he stood quite mute. Then Evangelist went on thus: Art not thou the man that I heard cry in The City of Destruction?

Christian.--Yes, dear Sir, I am the man.

Evangelist.--Did not I point out to thee the way to the Wicket Gate?

Christian.--Yes, you did, Sir.

Evangelist.--How is it, then, that thou hast so soon gone out of the way?

Christian.--When I had got out of the Slough of Despond I met a man who told me that in a town near, I might find one wh


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