Her Letter

Her Letter
His Answer & Her Last Letter


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Her Letter by Bret Harte







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Her Letter
His Answer & Her Last Letter


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Book Excerpt

You called him Job-lotski, you know, Joe_]

SHE thought it would shame me! I met her
With a look, Joe, that made her eyes drop;
And I said that your "love-suit fared better
Than any suit out of _their_ shop!"
And I didn't blush _then_--as I'm doing
To find myself here, all alone,
And left, Joe, to do all the "suing"
To a lover that's certainly flown.


_I met her
With a look, Joe, that made her eyes drop_]


_And I didn't blush then--as I'm doing
To find myself here, all alone_]

IN this brand-new hotel, called "The Lily"
(I wonder who gave it that name?),
I really am feeling quite silly,
To think I was once called the same;
And I stare from its windows, and fancy
I'm labeled to each passer-by.
Ah! gone is the old necromancy,
For nothing seems right to my eye.


_Ah! gone is the old necromancy,
For nothing seems right to my eye_]

ON that hill


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