The Young Alaskans on the Trail

The Young Alaskans on the Trail


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The Young Alaskans on the Trail by Emerson Hough







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The Young Alaskans on the Trail


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In this book the three young heroes of "The Young Alaskans," led by half-breed guides, follow the trail of the early transcontinental explorers across the Rocky Mountain Divide.

Book Excerpt

Sir Alexander's record, you know--he made it from here in six days!"

"I don't remember that book very well," said Jesse; "I'll read it again some time."

"We'll all read it each day as we go on, and in that way understand it better when we get through," ventured John. "But listen; I thought I heard them in the bush."

It was as he had said. The swish of bushes parting and the occasional sound of a stumbling footfall on the trail now became plainer. They heard the voice of Moise break out into a little song as he saw the light of the fire flickering among the trees. He laughed gaily as he stepped into the ring of the cleared ground, let down one end of the canoe which he was carrying, and with a quick twist of his body set it down gently upon the leaves.

"You'll mak' good time, hein?" he asked of the boys, smiling and showing a double row of white teeth.

"What did I tell you, boys?" demanded Rob. "Here they are, and it isn't quite dark yet."

The next moment Ale


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