La Boheme

La Boheme


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La Boheme by Giuseppe Giacosa, Luigi Illica



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La Boheme


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Book Excerpt

e away.

(Two knocks are heard at the door.)

BEN. (from without) 'Tis I.

MAR. Who is there?

BEN. 'Tis Benoit.

MAR. 'Tis the landlord is knocking!

SCH. Bolt the door quickly!

COL. (calling towards the door) No! There is no one!

SCH. 'Tis fastened!

BEN. Give me a word, pray!

SCH. (opening the door, after consulting with his friends) At once.

BEN. (entering smilingly, showing a paper to MARCEL) The rent!

MAR. (with great cordiality) Hallo! give him a seat, friends!

BEN. Do not trouble, I beg you.

SCH. (with gentle firmness, obliging BENOIT to sit down) Sit down!

MAR. (offering BENOIT a glass of wine) Some Bordeaux?

RUD. Your health!

BEN. Thank you.

COL. Your health!

SCH. Drink up!

RUD. Good health! (all drink)

BEN. (to MARCEL, putting down his glass and showing his paper.) 'Tis the quarter's rent I call for.

MAR. (ingenuously) Glad to hear it.

BEN. And therefore--

SCH. (interrupting) Another tipple? (fills up the glasses)

BEN. Thank you.


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