The Last Stroke

The Last Stroke
A Detective Story


(3 Reviews)
The Last Stroke by Lawrence L. Lynch







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The Last Stroke
A Detective Story


(3 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

climbed the gentle upward slope, growing, as it seemed, more and more dense and shadowy as it mounted. But between the road and the river the trees grew less densely, with numerous sunny openings, but with much undergrowth, here and there, of hazel and sumach, wild vines, and along the border of the lake the low overhanging scrub willow.

For more than a fourth of a mile the four men followed the road, walking in couples, and not far apart, and contenting themselves with an occasional "hallo, Brierly," and with peering into the openings through which they could see the lake shore as they passed along.

A little further on, however, a bit of rising ground cut off all sight of the lake for a short distance. It was an oblong mound, so shapely, so evenly proportioned that it had became known as the Indian Mound, and was believed to have been the work of the aborigines, a prehistoric fortification, or burial place.

As they came opposite this mound, the man Hopkins stopped, saying:



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“The Last Stroke, by Lawrence L. Lynch”

In a fictional town outside Chicago, a popular young teacher is found shot to death, devastating his fiancée and brother. There seems to be no motive for the shocking murder of a man who had no known enemies. The local doctor calls in Chicago detective Francis Ferrars, who gradually pieces together the evidence. It becomes obvious fairly early whom he suspects, and why, but the process is still interesting, and Lynch's characterizations are excellent. The ending tidies things away rather too neatly, but that's a minor flaw. It's a shame so little of Lynch's work is online.
(1896) Mystery / Detective

Plot bullets

The first stroke ended in a man's death.
The second put his brother in peril of his life.
All hopes for a conclusion is put in the hands of a detective.
Can this man deal the last stroke.

A period piece with little to recommend it. Country schoolmaster is murdered on his way to class. Someone tries to kill his brother. Everyone sails for Europe. Why? Sounds more interesting than it is.
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more