The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book

The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book


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The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book by Albert Bigelow Paine





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The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book


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Being a new edition in one volume of "The Hollow Tree" and "In The Deep Woods" with several new stories and pictures added.

Book Excerpt

ore work for the 'Possum, who now had to catch game for three, besides waiting on sick folks and taking care of their houses. So by and by Mr. 'Possum got to thinking some, as well as the others, and one morning, while the Crow and the 'Coon were lying all snug in bed and laughing to themselves at the trick they were playing, and thinking of the nice breakfast they were to have, they heard all at once the 'Possum calling out that hard work and exposure had been too much for him, and that he was sicker now than both of them put together.

Of course they had to call back to him that they were sorry, and of course they were sorry in one way, and then each of them lay down to see which would be the first to starve out.

Mr. 'Possum had a little the best of it at first, because he had brought in enough the night before to last him for a few meals, but, being very greedy, he soon ate it all up, and before long was just as hungry as either the 'Coon or the Crow, and maybe hungrier.

Every day they


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