An American Idyll

An American Idyll
The Life of Carleton H. Parker


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An American Idyll by Cornelia Stratton Parker





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An American Idyll
The Life of Carleton H. Parker


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A love story and a biography, and altogether a tale of life and achievement.

Book Excerpt

ch my father, along with countless others, held so strongly--that a fellow who is really worth while ought to know by his Junior year in college just what his life-work is to be. A few with an early developed special aptitude do, but very few. Carl entered college in August, 1896, in Engineering; but after a term found that it had no further appeal for him. "But a fellow ought to stick to a thing, whether he likes it or not!" If one must be dogmatic, then I say, "A fellow should never work at anything he does not like." One of the things in our case which brought such constant criticism from relatives and friends was that we changed around so much. Thank God we did! It took Carl Parker until he was over thirty before he found just the work he loved the most and in which his soul was content--university work. And he was thirty-seven before he found just the phase of economic study that fired him to his full enthusiasm--his loved field of the application of psychology to economics. And some one would have had h


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