The Cruise of the Elena

The Cruise of the Elena
or Yachting in the Hebrides


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The Cruise of the Elena by James Ewing Ritchie





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The Cruise of the Elena
or Yachting in the Hebrides


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Consisting chiefly of papers from Christian World concerning a yachting tour.

Book Excerpt

It must carry some fourteen or fifteen hundred people. I should think we had quite that number on board--people like myself, who had been travelling all night--people who had joined us at such places as Leicester, or Leeds, or Carlisle--people who had come all the way in her from Glasgow--people who had come on business--people who were bent on pleasure--people who had never visited the Highlands before--people who are as familiar with them as I am with Cheapside or the Strand--people with every variety of costume, of both sexes and of all ages--people who differed on all subjects, but who agreed in this one faith, that to breakfast on board the Iona is one of the first duties of man, and one of the noblest of woman's rights. Oh, that breakfast! To do it justice requires an abler pen than mine. Never did I part with a florin--the sum charged for breakfast--with greater pleasure. We all know breakfasts are one of those things they manage well in Scotland, and the breakfast on board the Iona i


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