Becket and other plays

Becket and other plays


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Becket and other plays  by Alfred Lord Tennyson



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Becket and other plays


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ur him. Statesman not Churchman he. A great and sound policy that: I could embrace him for it: you could not see the King for the kinglings.

FlTZURSE. Ay, but he speaks to a noble as tho' he were a churl, and to a churl as if he were a noble.

ELEANOR. Pride of the plebeian!

FlTZURSE. And this plebeian like to be Archbishop!

ELEANOR. True, and I have an inherited loathing of these black sheep of the Papacy. Archbishop? I can see further into a man than our hot-headed Henry, and if there ever come feud between Church and Crown, and I do not then charm this secret out of our loyal Thomas, I am not Eleanor.

FlTZURSE. Last night I followed a woman in the city here. Her face was veiled, but the back methought was Rosamund--his paramour, thy rival. I can feel for thee.

ELEANOR. Thou feel for me!--paramour--rival! King Louis had no paramours, and I loved him none the more. Henry had many, and I loved him none the less--now neither more nor less--not at all; the cup's empty. I would she were but his


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