Tom and Some Other Girls

Tom and Some Other Girls
A Public School Story


(1 Review)
Tom and Some Other Girls by Mrs George de Horne Vaizey





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Tom and Some Other Girls
A Public School Story


(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

"That's my brave girl! I knew you would be no coward."

Harold watched his sister with mingled pity and amusement.

"They'll take it out of her! They'll take it out of her! Poor little Ro! Won't she hate it, and won't it do her good!" he said to himself, shrewdly. "And, after the first, I shouldn't wonder if she became a prime favourite!"

Rhoda seated herself on a crimson plush chair, and folded her hands on her knees, in an attitude of expectation. She was an impetuous young person, and could brook no delay when once her interest was aroused. School having been mentioned as a possibility of the future, it became imperative to settle the matter off-hand.

Which school? When? Who would take her? What would she have to buy? What were the rules? When were the holidays? How long would they be? Where would she spend them?--One question succeeded another in breathless succession, making Mr Chester smile with indulgent amusement.

"My dear child, how can I tell? So far it is on


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