The Tale of Mr. Peter Brown - Chelsea Justice

The Tale of Mr. Peter Brown - Chelsea Justice
From ''The New Decameron'', Volume III.


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The Tale of Mr. Peter Brown - Chelsea Justice by Vita Sackville-West





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The Tale of Mr. Peter Brown - Chelsea Justice
From ''The New Decameron'', Volume III.


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Book Excerpt

that our silence became heavy with the things we hadn't said?

"Not at first. Our love-affair ran a course contrary to the usual ordering of such things. If it indeed ended in all the fever and pain of passion, it certainly began with all the calm of the hearth; yes, I went through a long phase of accepting that room as my home, and that gentle woman as my natural companion therein. I don't think I examined the situation at all closely at that time. I was more than content to let so pleasant an acquiescence take possession of me; for the first time in my life, you understand, I was neither lonely nor unhappy. The only thing that jarred was his presence. The evenings when he was there were all out of tune. All out of tune."

The man with the white hair paused to pour himself out another glass of wine; and his voice, losing the dreamy note of reminiscence, sharpened to a more rapid utterance--a crescendo for which I had been waiting.

"I haven't an attractive character," he r


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