Susanna and Sue

Susanna and Sue


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Susanna and Sue by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin





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Susanna and Sue


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The serenity and gentle charity of Susanna and Sue are as full and mellow as the ripened fruits of autumn. An ideal Christmas season book.

Book Excerpt

without hypocrisy.' That's about all there is to the Shaker creed, and that's enough to keep us all busy."

Sue ran in from the porch excitedly and caught her mother's hand.

"The cows have all gone into the barn," she chattered; "and the Shaker gentlemen are milking them, and not one of them is shaking the least bit, for I 'specially noticed; and I looked in through the porch window, and there is nice supper on a table--bread and butter and milk and dried-apple sauce and gingerbread and cottage cheese. Is it for us, Mardie?"

Susanna's lip was trembling and her face was pale. She lifted her swimming eyes to the Sister's and asked, "Is it for us, Eldress Abby?"

"Yee, it's for you," she answered; "there's always a Shaker supper on the table for all who want to leave the husks and share the feast. Come right in and help yourselves. I will sit down with you."

* * * * *

Supper was over, and Susanna and Sue were lying in a little upper chamber under the stars. It was the ver


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