The Peddler's Boy

The Peddler's Boy
Or; I'll Be Somebody


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The Peddler's Boy by Francis Channing Woodworth





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The Peddler's Boy
Or; I'll Be Somebody


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Book Excerpt

and fair in all their dealings. They never cheat any one. They have no disposition to cheat, any more than the merchant who sells his goods in his own store. Besides, the business, though a great deal has been done to make it seem anything but respectable, is well enough, in itself. There is nothing disgraceful about it. It is, or may be, an honest calling; and it is one of Uncle Frank's doctrines that any business that is lawful, and honest, and does nobody any harm, ought to be considered respectable. Why not? Why ought not the boy, even, who brushes my boots, if he knows as much, and his character is as good, why ought he not to be respected as much as the one who sets the types for my daily newspaper? I can't see why, and it would puzzle anybody to see why, I guess.

I know of peddlers, good men and true, who would as soon part with one of their fingers as to cheat any of their customers. They want to make good bargains, when they sell anything. Of course they do. But they want only that.


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