Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures

Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures
or, Helping the Dormitory Fund


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Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures by Alice B. Emerson





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Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures
or, Helping the Dormitory Fund


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Ruth, Helen, and Tom watch a movie crew film scenes near the Red Mill. As they watch, the starring actress, Hazel Gray, falls into the river and is swept downstream. Ruth and her friends rescue the actress and take her to the Red Mill to recover. The next day, Ruth meets the producer who promises to read Ruth's script when she impulsively confides that she is planning to write one.

Book Excerpt

int; on Silver Ranch, in Montana; on Cliff Island, where occur a number of remarkable winter incidents; at Sunset Farm during the previous summer; and finally, in the eighth volume, the one immediately preceding this present story, Ruth achieves something that she has long, long desired.

This last volume, called "Ruth Fielding and the Gypsies; Or, The Missing Pearl Necklace," tells of an automobile trip which Ruth and her present companions, Helen and Tom Cameron, took through the hills some distance beyond the Red Mill and Cheslow, their home town.

They fall into the hands of Gypsies and the two girls are actually held captive by the old and vindictive Gypsy Queen. Through Ruth's bravery Helen escapes and takes the news of the capture back to Tom. Later the grandson of the old Gypsy Queen releases Ruth.

While at the camp Ruth sees a wonderful pearl necklace in the hands of the covetous old Queen Zelaya. Later, when the girls return to Briarwood, they learn that an aunt of one of their fr


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