Betty Gordon in Washington

Betty Gordon in Washington
Strange Adventures in a Great City


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Betty Gordon in Washington by Alice B. Emerson





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Betty Gordon in Washington
Strange Adventures in a Great City


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In this volume Betty goes to the National Capitol to find her uncle and has several unusual adventures.

Book Excerpt

is going to sell out and Peabody wants a wagon. So I have to ride that horse fourteen miles and back --and he has a backbone like a razor blade!--to buy a wagon; that is, if no one bids over me."

"And Mr. Peabody won't pay more than six dollars; he said so at the supper table last night," mourned Betty. "You'll never be able to buy a wagon for that. I wish I could go, too. Bob, I never saw a country vendue. Please, can't I?"

"You cannot," replied Bob with unaccustomed decision. Betty usually wheedled him into granting her requests. "Haven't I just told you there is nothing to go in? If you see yourself perched on that raw-boned nag with me, I don't, that's all. But I tell you what; there's a sale to-morrow at a farm this side of Glenside--I'll take you to that, if you like. I guess Peabody will let me off, seeing as how there are wagons advertised. We can easily walk to Faulkner's place."

This promise contented Betty, and she ate her dinner quietly. Bob rode off on the old horse directly


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